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Prandina: SAND, FIRE and AIR


La Triennale di Milano – Architecture Gallery


"Glass is a living material, changing, for many aspects elusive. If it were a character, would be an all-round type, ingenious and brilliant but extremely cryptic at first glance. One that best expresses its full potential only when you are knowledgeable with, after long dialogues and continuous comparisons ".

During his thirty-year, PRANDINA presented at the Triennale di Milano Sand, Fire and Air, an 'installation that speaks of the glass from its source material: the sand.

It is the glass grit the common thread that links the finished object with its genesis and the entire construction process.

The installed space has a double meaning, emotional and narrative: focuses on the glass and reveals, to outline, secrets and peculiarities of working traditional and contemporary.

It is a story that develops along a path that meets the diverse experiences and experiments, between past, present and future, bind the brand Prandina to this material.

Project Philip Protasoni

La Triennale di Milano – Architecture Gallery

Viale Alemagna 6 -


Design Week 2013 – 09-14 aprile 2013   h 10:30-22:00