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Plan e York, elegance and simplicity in the new aluminum shower signed BluBleu

Within the range of shower GlassShower, BluBleu has created a new collection models of aluminum and glass, to which they belong Plan and York.


Characterized by a system with hinged doors, Plan is a line of shower by refined style and by design moderno, in which the aluminum leaves ample room for the crystal. The characteristic element is the zip whose shape

shape enables you to conceal the internal mechanics.


The line York, with sliding system on the upper profile aluminum, is the right combination of structural reliability and simple and linear forms. York offers the possibility to choose three different varieties of crystal: smoked,

satin and transparent.

The collection of shower enclosures in aluminum

This innovative collection includes BluBleu, oltre Plan and York, three additional lines: Ray, Mode and Drop.

Each of the five lines presents different versions (which may be at an angle, Niche, a saloon…) and different sizes to suit, in addition to

aesthetic requirements, also those related to the space available in the bathroom.

The profiles, both vertical and horizontal, are in fact made in aluminum, noble material that, thanks to precise machining and controlled, ensures and duration the functionality over the years. The process of polishing and painting, manufactured using the latest technology, are a further guarantee of quality.




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